
Volleyball Secures National Bid

DME Academy Soccer Continues Their Winning Streak

The DME Academy soccer program is coming at you with yet another win this past weekend with a 3-1-0 (undefeated) record after traveling all the way up the East Coast to Bowdoin College in Brunswick Maine. They scored 26 goals for and only let up an impressive 1 against. There were hundreds of teams in the 36th Annual Seacoast United Coastal Summer Challenge beating a good Seacoast United Team 2-0 in the finals. Everyone on the team managed to put up points for DME. The team was playing at a handicap because they were playing with only 7 athletes, which means these kids had no subs all game. 

Being from Florida, they were out of their element in the harsh North-East spring weather, battling 50 degree temperatures and dealing with wind and rain all weekend. Despite the sub-par weather, the kids still managed to come out on top and have a great time. “We’ve never been to Maine, my friends and I loved it minus the cold. We wanted to win the tournament for Fathers Day and were so happy that we did!.” Ceci Antista says after the final game.

This weekend marked the first win for the girls side of the program, and there is no sign of slowing down says Coach, Jared Antista. “The girls deserved this experience and that’s what we’re all about at DME Academy. This group of girls traveled to new states, tried new food (fresh Maine lobster rolls), forged deeper relationships with their peers, developed as players, battled the elements, and put four more games under their belts. The icing on the cake was winning DME their second tournament championship months.”

DME Academy looks forward to spending the rest of their summer building on these wins and taking their talents to new fields. 

If you are interested in DME Academy’s growing Soccer program, click here to learn more!

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