Kayte Jae


  • Hometown

    Bradenton, FL

  • Team

    2012 Girls - DME Sarasota

  • Position

    Attacking Midfield


Kayte Jae


  • Hometown

    Bradenton, FL

  • Team

    2012 Girls - DME Sarasota

  • Position

    Attacking Midfield

Get To Know

Kayte Jae

What is your Nickname?

Kayte bug

Favorite pro soccer player?


It's 3:00 PM on a Sunday, no games this weekend- what are you be doing?

Training in my backyard with my sisters.

What do you want coaches to know about you?

That I’m fast and I can give through balls and have a pretty good first touch with the ball!

What is your biggest personal goal for the '23 season?

To help lead my team to championship games!

In 3 words, describe your style of play.

Fast, strong and creative with the ball.

What is your favorite song at the moment?


Outside of soccer, you love...

Running and playing with my soccer friends.

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