DME Academy is an elite, multi-sport training and educational institution designed for student-athletes who are looking to reach their ultimate potential, harness their strengths and achieve their goals. Located in Daytona Beach, Florida, our academy offers a wide variety of programming, from our 6th-12th grade co-ed boarding school and post-grad programs, to year-round camps, tournaments, team events, and collegiate and professional training.
Speak with one of our student-athlete advisors and find out if our academic and athletic model is right for your child!
Academics By The
Athletics By The
Why Athletes & Their families
DME was born out of a passion for coaching, and a desire to find a better way to train and develop players, while addressing the unique needs of the student-athlete.
Our athletes get the training and guidance they need to succeed, access to the best coaches and educators, technologies and facilities, and exposure to the highest levels of competition and opportunities to continue the pursuit of their dreams. This is the DME promise.
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